Certain procedures are required for a faculty or staff member employed by Kyoto University to hold an additional position outside the university in accordance with its work rules. Holding such a position without advance permission (from the Graduate School of Science dean under most circumstances) is subject to disciplinary action.


Requesting permission:

To have a Kyoto University faculty or staff member hold an additional position, please submit a written request addressed to the GSS dean for permission to do so. The request should be sent to human resources (see below for contact information) and include the following items:

  • Position (to be held by the Kyoto University faculty or staff member at the other organization than the university);
  • Duties entailed;
  • Period of the position: up to three years unless otherwise stipulated in the organization's rules or regulations, in which case the period may be extended up to six years. For such an extension to be granted, an excerpt (in the form of a PDF, photocopy, etc) of the rule in question must be submitted along with the request;
  • Working days and hours (e.g., two days a year, three hours a day);
  • Remuneration: if to be paid, please sate the amount;
  • Workplace: if off the organization's premises, please state the address as well; and
  • Contact details: return email/postal address, contact person, etc.


North Campus Office of Human Resources I
Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN
Tel: +81 75 753 3606 | Fax: +81 75 753 3645
E-mail: a60soumu1[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace [at] with @.)